Transforming the customer engagement strategy to generate brand loyalty
The brief
To transform a major French fashion retailer’s relationship marketing and customer engagement strategy
The challenges
- Create a brand identity, a name, a claim
- Define the value for the customer
- How to reward customer for their engagement with the brand?
- What would a partnership ecosystem look like?
How we helped
- Definition of the value proposition
- Creation of a new relationship marketing strategy, a plan for launching the propositon to market
- Use case reviews for the UX/UI and general IT side of the project
- Redefinition of the custimmer journeys and CRM
- Partnership strategy: value for the customer, fit with brand values
The results
- A clear strategy & action plan covering all aspects of the business, from IT to branding, to external agencies, communications & digital
- A new branding with its own personality & tone of voice to support the main brand message & positioning
- A value led partnership ecosystem with propositions that fit with customers’ areas of interests
- A launch plan to promote the new proposition