Bringing a new brand to market

Bringing a new brand to market

The brief

Define the strategy of a new bakery and define the brand strategy.

The challenges

  • How to stand out in an ultra competitive & mature sector?
  • How to ensure the offering is not considered a commodity?
  • Identify needs & typical customers
  • Define the value proposition
  • Determine an evocative & memorable brand name

How we helped

  • Market research to clearly identify the needs and understanding of customers on the offer
  • Ethnography and competitive analysis
  • Creation of a brand name, its values
  • Creation of a value proposition & go-to-market strategy
  • Support on writing messages & crowdfunding campaign
  • Tips for building community before launch through newsletter & instagram

The results

  • Launch of a brand and a visual identity
  • Obtaining 100% of the amounts & financing requests (BPI France, loans on honor, etc.) thanks to the precise business plan
  • A community of more than 300 people subscribed to the newsletter 6 months before the opening

Bringing a new brand to market

The brief

Define the strategy of a new bakery and define the brand strategy.

The challenges

  • How to stand out in an ultra competitive & mature sector?
  • How to ensure the offering is not considered a commodity?
  • Identify needs & typical customers
  • Define the value proposition
  • Determine an evocative & memorable brand name

How we helped

  • Market research to clearly identify the needs and understanding of customers on the offer
  • Ethnography and competitive analysis
  • Creation of a brand name, its values
  • Creation of a value proposition & go-to-market strategy
  • Support on writing messages & crowdfunding campaign
  • Tips for building community before launch through newsletter & instagram

The results

  • Launch of a brand and a visual identity
  • Obtaining 100% of the amounts & financing requests (BPI France, loans on honor, etc.) thanks to the precise business plan
  • A community of more than 300 people subscribed to the newsletter 6 months before the opening

Bringing a new brand to market

The brief

Define the strategy of a new bakery and define the brand strategy.

The challenges

  • How to stand out in an ultra competitive & mature sector?
  • How to ensure the offering is not considered a commodity?
  • Identify needs & typical customers
  • Define the value proposition
  • Determine an evocative & memorable brand name

How we helped

  • Market research to clearly identify the needs and understanding of customers on the offer
  • Ethnography and competitive analysis
  • Creation of a brand name, its values
  • Creation of a value proposition & go-to-market strategy
  • Support on writing messages & crowdfunding campaign
  • Tips for building community before launch through newsletter & instagram

The results

  • Launch of a brand and a visual identity
  • Obtaining 100% of the amounts & financing requests (BPI France, loans on honor, etc.) thanks to the precise business plan
  • A community of more than 300 people subscribed to the newsletter 6 months before the opening