What is business strategy? – our interview on Riviera Radio

What Business Strategy really is – our interview with Riveria Radio in Monaco, Nice and Cannes

Read our interview below or listen to it below or here on soundcloud.

Absolutely My name is Maxime Nadeau and I founded Groove Brand Experience back in May ‘22;

We offer Marketing & Brand strategy, Loyalty and Customer experience services to businesses who

  • don’t always know where to start
  • who need help to clarify their offering,
  • and who feel they might be wasting energy, time, & ultimately money by not having a proper strategy in place.

What is a strategy? Could you tell us more about the importance of a strategy?

Many businesses think they have a strategy, but what they really have is a list of plans & objectives or sometimes a template with a mission statement and a vision.

All that is very much self-centered & only deals with the business itself.

But the thing is, no one really cares about brands, what people care about what brands will do for them.


So strategy is about saying NO to a lot of things, avoiding distractions,  & focusing on a set of choices that define HOW your brand is going to WIN. It always starts with the customer and focuses on what value a brand will provide to them & the resources needed to get there.

So how do you proceed?

Well, there are 2 types of agencies around, those that come up with standardized ideas and then try to find clients to sell them to, and those, like us, that find clients & create bespoke solutions that help them grow.

So, like all good doctors, we diagnose before we prescribe. That means we ensure businesses get a better understanding of their customers and then build a proper strategy around that.

Once we have done that, we can move on to communicating & promoting the business.


There is real value in not skipping any steps & making sure we don’t jump straight to communications. Because Marketing & communication just aren’t the same thing.


And you know, being creative, refreshing your logo or your branding isn’t enough to drive effectiveness, sales & profit. It’s really time to cut the fluff out of marketing communications & not just focus on style.

How can people find out more about Groove Brand Experience?

 If you want to give your brand some Groove, book a free strategy session at Groove Brand Experience.com so we can discuss your needs.